Research & Advocacy

A minimum Essential Budget For a Decent Living 2020

Caritas works wholeheartedly towards the eradication of poverty, upholding social justice and promoting holistic human development. In its vision, rooted in the Catholic Social Teaching, a civilisation of love is primary, where the human person is at the centre and the family and community is a nesting ground for growth and wellbeing. Caritas is inspired by Pope Francis’ strong appeal to replace the ‘I’ with the ‘We’. His Holiness encourages society to embrace the poor and the marginalised and to work together so that those struggling to live decently can have improved standards of living through adequate income for food, clothing, health care, mobility, housing, education and participation in society.

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Caritas CARES! country report 2019 - Malta

Caritas Cares 2019 - The Caritas CARES country reports focus on the analysis of the availability, accessibility, affordability and adequacy of services addressing poverty, and the promotion of social inclusion and activation in European countries. They attempt to identify concrete causes of non-access to services by the most vulnerable members of our society.

These reports inform local, regional, national and European authorities and formulate recommendations, based on Caritas’ daily work with people experiencing poverty. The Caritas CARES country reports have been compiled on the basis of a questionnaire, designed in consultation with the participating member organisations. They will ensure that the voice of the weakest members of our society is heard and will support the advocacy efforts of Caritas at national and at European level.

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