Social Work & Counselling Unit
The professionals working in this unit strive to offer Social Work and Counselling services through:
- professional advice,
- self-help groups,
- support groups and associations (managed by trained volunteers or service users themselves).
Clients, who either call in person, via phone, email, or social media, are given the necessary time and attention due to be listened to, understood and assisted.
Each request for assistance is vetted by the social workers and according to assessment outcome, clients are referred (internally) accordingly, either to a social worker or a counsellor. Clients, can also be referred to other outside professionals, working in other NGO’s or state agencies.
Additionally, the Social Work and Counselling Unit, offers support through various self-help groups, support groups and associations.
Support Groups
Ro-Se is a support group within Caritas Malta for the widowed and separated. Being a widow or separated is a total different reality. However, during this group, attendees discuss ways how they can deal better with their realities.
The group sets out to:
- offer support to those living in a similar situation
- help them get to know and accept their new role in the family and in society
- help them discover their new identity and their inner strengths
- act as a pressure group to amend any Church/State laws and regulations that do not meet the needs of the widowed and/or separated
- offer counselling
- organise social, educational and cultural activities
The Caritas Malta YSSG Group for Young Separated Persons offers empathy and direction to persons who have gone through a process of marital separation or are going through it. The Group seeks to empower members to face their personal issues and challenges with greater courage and determination, and to enable them to get on with their lives more at peace with themselves.
During meetings, members address common matters that influence them as separated people, also covering parenting and family issues, and relationships with in-laws and families-of-origin.
In proactive mode, the Group engages in advocacy whereby the collective experience of the members acts as a springboard for recommendations to change legislation or current practices made to the relevant authorities, including the Government, the Commissioner for Children, the Family Court and the Church Tribunal.
Alcohol Anonymous (AA) & Al Anon
Moderate alcohol use is normal but alcohol abuse and eventual dependence is a serious problem. Too much alcohol affects the central nervous system and eventually the brain. It affects perception, thinking, coordination and mood; it impairs judgement, reduces inhibition and increases aggression. Those who abuse alcohol are more likely than others to engage in high risk, thoughtless or violent behaviour.
Alcohol abusers are not necessarily addicted to alcohol but develop problems as a result of their alcohol intake. They are normally referred to as “problem drinkers” or “normal alcoholics”. Many people who abuse alcohol eventually become alcohol dependent.
The members of the group attend the meetings out of their own free will, and use this opportunity to discuss similar challenges that they face when trying to live as independent as possible, being their family, the education institution they attend or their work place.
Don’t push away the messengers! Caritas Malta offers professional guidance and support to its clients and their families who may have alcohol abusers/dependents apart from their drug problem.
Gamblers Anonymous (GA) & GamAnon
Gamblers Anonymous (GA) is a meeting of compulsive gamblers who are willing to work on their condition and stay away from the world of gambling.
Gambling very often leads to difficulties within the family, at the place of work, with friends, with the law and in financial matters. Family members of compulsive gamblers find themselves immersed in these difficulties. Yet their support is essential to keep a gambler away from this corrosive practice.
Family members of gamblers meet separately in the GamAnon group to share experiences and explore ways of being supportive to gamblers who have made the decision to stop gambling.
Separate GA and GamAnon meetings are held
Thursday Club
The aim of this group is to assist the persons seeking help to reintegrate in society. This is achieved through different activities include teaching of social skills, and social activities.
The members of the group attend the meetings out of their own free will, and use this opportunity to discuss similar challenges that they face when trying to live as independent as possible, being their family, the education institution they attend or their work place.
The social work and counsellling unit liaises with other associations and foundations. These associations widens the spectrum of support that can be offered to people in need. Follow the link below for more information about the respective foundations and associations:

Feel free to contact us if you need more information. You can reach us on, +356 21331000 or by filling the form below: