Il-President ta’ Malta jżur iċ-Ċentru Terapewtiku Tal-Ibwar immexxi minn Caritas Malta

  STQARRIJA MILL-UFFIĊĊJU TAL-PRESIDENT Il-President ta’ Malta jżur iċ-Ċentru Terapewtiku Tal-Ibwar immexxi minn Caritas Malta   Il-President ta’ Malta George Vella u s-Sinjura Miriam Vella żaru ċ-Ċentru Terapewtiku Tal-Ibwar għall-adolexxenti li għandhom problema ta’ sustanzi (droga jew alkoħol). Bħalissa 26 żagħżugħ u żagħżugħa qed jibbenefikaw mis-servizzi offruti f’dan iċ-ċentru mmexxi minn Caritas Malta. Fi tmiem laqgħa privata mal-ħames żagħżugħ u …


  L-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna ltaqa’ ma’ persuni li għaddejjin minn separazzjoni fiż-żwieġ u li bħalissa qed jattendu gruppi ta’ sapport immexxija minn Caritas Malta, kif ukoll fil-parroċċi tal-Mosta u Ħal Tarxien. Waqt il-laqgħa, l-Arċisqof sema’ d-diversi esperjenzi ta’ dawk li għaddew jew għaddejjin mis-separazzjoni u l-isfidi li jiltaqgħu magħhom f’dan il-mument ta’ ħajjithom. Huma wrew apprezzament lejn il-Knisja li …

Ilqa’ u ħaddan

Sit  Ilqa’ u ħaddan   Fil-ħajja mgħaġġla li qed ngħixu, ħafna drabi qed nintilfu f’ħafna sigħat twal ta’ xogħol li mhux qed iħalli spazji biex inqattgħu ħin ta’ kwalità mal-familja u l-ħbieb. Iktar u iktar dan huwa fattur li mhux qed iħalli ħin għall-persuna biex tidħol ftit fiha nnifisha u ssib dak is-skiet li tant huwa importanti biex jagħti s-saħħa …

Caritas Malta bi proġett tal-VOPS – Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme

Cleaner shores, clearer futures: A socio-educational initiative involving outdoor learning and social engagement within Caritas Malta’s residential services (VOPS 6/2021). Matul din l-aħħar sena, Caritas Malta, grazzi għall-Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme (VOPS), daħlet fi proġett imsejjaħ “Cleaner shores, clearer futures: A socio-educational initiative involving outdoor learning and social engagement within Caritas Malta’s residential services” (VOPS 6/2021). Permezz ta’ fondi mogħtija …


Due to expansion of services in the field of drug rehabilitation, The Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (Caritas Malta) invites applications for the role of Handyperson/Driver at Tal-Ibwar Adolescents Therapeutic Services project on a full-time basis.     The Role   The handyperson/driver will be responsible for the upkeep of facilities and to undertake maintenance tasks at Caritas Tal-Ibwar premises as required. Moreover, the selected person shall also be responsible for driving duties including accompanying service …

Care Worker – part time

The Position   The Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (Caritas Malta) invites applications for the role of care worker to work on a part-time shift basis in a residential unit for males. The position requires the incumbent to be available in the evenings for three or four times a week.      The Role   The care worker has to ensure that the structure of the rehabilitation programme is …

Social Worker – full time

Tal-Ibwar Adolescents Therapeutic Services The Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (Caritas Malta) would like to invite interested individuals to submit their applications for the position of Social Worker to work on the Tal-Ibwar Adolescents Therapeutic Services. The Role The social worker shall form part of a multi-disciplinary Core Team of professionals that shall be primarily tasked with coordinating …

Tender for Supply, Delivery and Installation of Furniture, Furnishings, Equipment and Appliances

FONDAZZJONI CARITAS MALTA (VO/1576) is issuing a Tender for Supply, Delivery and Installation of Furniture, Furnishings, Equipment and Appliances for the “Caritas Community Centre” ERDF.08.142 at Mountbatten Street c/w San Gorg Preca, Sqaq il-Kubrit, Blata l-Bajda as per tender document. The tender document may be obtained from Written Clarification requests will be received by email until 24 th March …