SOS talismans – bracelets, pendants etc.

This page contains useful downloadable leaflets in Maltese and English about different aspects of epilepsy and other useful information.

SOS talismans – bracelets, pendants etc.

Some persons with epilepsy may find that wearing SOS talismans such as bracelets or pendants can be very useful in an emergency situation. There are several suppliers. One reliable supplier who delivers to Malta and manufactures very good products is


Over the years CMEA has published a number of documents and leaflets with useful information about Epilepsy.  We believe that all these documents are to be available to the general public.  you can download all the publications from the link below:


Epilessija-Tista Tghix Hajja Normali/Epilepsy-You can lead a normal life

L-Epilessija u T-Tfal

CMEA – I.D. Card

CMEA – Diary

Leaflets in Maltese

L-Epilessija u T-Tfal

L-Epilessija, L-Alkoħol, u S-Sewqan

L-Epilessija u L-Ħin Liberu

L-Epilessija Fix-Xjuħija

L-Epilessija u Xogħol

Ġenituri Bl-Epilessija

Mediċini Użati Fl-Epilessija

In-Nisa u L-Epilessija

L-Epilessija: Gwida Għall-Għalliema

Epilessija-Tista Tghix Hajja Normali


Leaflets in English

Epilepsy in the Home

Epilepsy and Leisure

Epilepsy – Driving and Transport

Epilepsy in Later Life

Epilepsy – A Guide for Teachers

Recognizing the Signs of Childhood Seizures

Parents with Epilepsy

Antiepileptic Medicines

Epilepsy and Medicines

Epilepsy and Alcohol